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Reserved Instance Operations

With Mission Cloud’s Reserved Instance Operations service (RIO), you can unlock greater savings from AWS RIs and Savings Plans (SPs) while simultaneously offloading the administrative burden and financial risks associated with traditional approaches to RIs.

How do we do that? By purchasing for you and pooling these purchases across our large customer base, we’re able to provide a dynamic, automated system that lets you return unused savings without penalty and more aggressively optimize your commitments. Instead of running the risk of committing spend you won’t need, we
forecast with you and take that risk for you.

Even if you’ve already made some RI and SP commitments on your own, you can still benefit. After joining RIO, even customers who’ve made prior RI and SP purchases still see an average 15.5% reduction in their monthly bill from AWS.


Why RIO?

While many AWS customers are aware of the cost benefit of replacing on-demand spend with Reserved Instances or Savings Plans, the associated risks and complexity of these commitments can make them difficult to optimize so that you often leave savings on the table.


  • Do we have an accurate forecast of what we plan to spend?
  • What if we grow significantly? What if our usage drops off?
  • What’s the right term length for a reservation?
  • Is it prudent to prepay?
  • What if we purchase the wrong reservation?
  • What instance types should we cover?
  • What if we need to re-architect or change services?
  • How much un-reserved margin do we need for my variability in traffic?
  • Once we commit, how do we stay on top of my renewals?


  • We do the forecasting with you, to make sure it's right
  • We take all the risk of buying
  • Our FinOps team will help to determine ideal term lengths, instance types, and strategies for prepayment and plan stacking
  • There's zero capital commitment from you
  • As your usage changes, we let you return the RIs and SPs to our purchasing pool dynamically - no penalties, no fees, no commitments
  • We handle renewals for you, so you never have a lapse in coverage

With RIO, Mission becomes your buyer of Reserved Instances and Savings Plans, taking on all the associated risks and leaving you with just the benefits. And to make sure you know it’s working, we’ll send you a monthly savings report, to quantify exactly how much you saved with us and demonstrate the best practices we’re using on your behalf.

Success Story

“Companies like ours need a partner like Mission to analyze costs on an ongoing basis. The partnership with Mission is valuable because we can now focus on what we do best while Mission provides the cloud infrastructure analysis and cost management support we need. Because Mission is best-in-breed in what they do, it positions us to be best-in-breed in what we do.”

VP of Engineering






Storyblocks sought to reduce operational costs by focusing on AWS infrastructure. The company needed to closely monitor compute resource usage to determine where cost saving measures could be implemented. To take on the challenge, Storyblocks purchased CloudHealth by VMWare but found that, without the necessary bandwidth and expertise for analysis, it would need a partner to make the most of the findings.


Mission Cloud recommended its Mission Cloud Foundation and Reserved Instance Operations (RIO) services, which provides a designated FinOps Cloud Analyst who uses CloudHealth to analyze AWS usage and identify opportunities for cost savings. Mission would guide Storyblocks through an ongoing cost analysis, looking for opportunities to right-size, reduce waste, and optimize with Reserved Instances.


  • Increased Reserved Instance coverage from 34% to 86% to generate monthly savings of $20K.
  • Applied intelligent tiering to reduce storage costs by 34% ($13K per month).
  • Cut the ratio of storage costs to total AWS spend in half.
  • Identified Reserved Instance opportunities for their data warehouse, resulting in savings of $1400 per month.