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Mission Control

Visibility, guidance, and support for your cloud.

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What is a "cloud services platform?"

You may be familiar with the term cloud management platform (like Vega Cloud). Mission Control lives one level up from there, as a cloud services platform. In fact, we integrate some of the findings generated by Vega Cloud into our analytics.

Mission Control operates at the intersection of cloud management platforms, work management platforms, and managed service providers. But unlike these other categories, Mission Control is not designed to be a pure software solution.

Each element of our platform comes paired with human expertise. What this means practically is that for every insight, alert, or datapoint we visualize, you’ll have access to an expert to help you understand what it means, why it matters, and how to act on it.

Control Venndiagram


What You Get

Proprietary architecture scoring, combing Mission Cloud and AWS best practices

Also available for free in the AWS Marketplace

Customized, interactive recommendations from our analysts for remediations and improvements

Visibility across your whole environment with 1-click access to detailed monitoring in New Relic

Real-time support for incidents and operations (with Mission Cloud One) and 24/7 technical guidance via web or live chat

Real-time reporting on your projects with Mission Cloud, including budget, timelines, risks, action items

Tailored for AWS and Your Business

Software platforms can provide powerful, general purpose tools for accomplishing work across different clouds and on-premises infrastructure. But this generalization also limits the degree to which they can interact with AWS and AWS-specific services, programs, and features.

Mission Control is a 100% native, AWS-only platform. In addition to providing visibility into your AWS infrastructure, we incorporate guidance for AWS programs like the Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) and the Migration Acceleration Program (MAP).

Of equal importance is how our analysis, recommendations, insights, and operations are contextualized to your business and strategy. This is how we ensure you’re making decisions for your environment that are wise in both the short and long term.

When you buy Software as a Service, a Cloud Management Platform (CMP) says,

"Your instance is too large, there's leftover RAM, you have an opportunity to right-size and save money."

When you buy Service as a Software, our analysts say,

“Our system flagged this instance as overprovisioned, but I know you’ve got the largest trade show of the year in two days along with that product launch we talked about. I’d suggest taking action after that traffic spike to be safe, and I can set a reminder in Mission Control for you that highlights the instance and suggested action. Or if you prefer, I can walk you through incorporating it into your autoscaling groups so we can make it more elastic in time for launch day. How does that sound?”

How do I get Mission Control?

Mission Control is included when you become a customer of our cloud managed services, Mission Cloud Foundation and Mission Cloud One. During onboarding your Mission teams instrument your environment so that we can start identifying opportunities to optimize, handle your support requests, monitor your infrastructure, and handle your operations.


  • Continuous cost optimization and ongoing financial management
  • Continuous guidance on foundational best practices and cloud governance
  • Round-the-clock Enterprise support, led by Mission and backed by AWS
  • Continuous consultation on cloud strategy and roadmap


  • Everything in Cloud Foundation +
  • 24/7 monitoring, incident response, and proactive operations support from our NOC
  • 24/7 security operations support
  • Proactive system maintenance, including OS updates, patches, backups, resource management, and provisioning

We're Here to Help

Real business decisions are complex, requiring data, informed expertise, the context of strategic goals and objectives, and real conversations. With Mission Control we start those conversations, surface those opportunities, and talk through how to handle them. If you’re interested in what Mission Control can do for your cloud management, talk to your Account Executive today.