Subatomic Studios Reduces Computing Costs
The Challenge
When Subatomic shifted from selling games as stand-alones downloaded onto mobile devices to delivering games as a service via Amazon Web Services, the company needed an infrastructure that could scale up and down with shifting demand. Subatomic’s developers worked feverishly to support both the new infrastructure needs and ongoing app development. This took a toll on both Subatomic’s team and its users.
The Solution
Mission applied immediate configuration changes so the Subatomic Studios AWS infrastructure could deliver higher application throughput and scale with user demand. The changes not only enabled the company to provide the game performance players expect, but also decreased the required number of AWS servers, reducing Subatomic’s monthly cloud computing costs by more than 40%. Mission took on ongoing management of the infrastructure, allowing Subatomic’s team to get back to work on game development.
Mission reduced monthly spend by over 40% through reducing and optimizing the number of reserved instances. Then Mission Eliminated manual intervention, thanks to auto-scaling resources for when game demand spikes. Finally Mission set up 24/7 monitoring allows Subatomic’s team to sleep peacefully and focus on application development.
- Reduced costs
- Utilization of managed DevOps to accelerate automation
- 24/7 infrastructure monitoring and operations with Mission Cloud One