Working With an AWS Managed Services Partner - 3 Key Benefits
Even if you’ve thought about adopting Amazon Web Services (AWS) at scale, your internal team may not have the right skills needed to successfully run your infrastructure on the Cloud. No matter if you’re moving to the Cloud or if you currently have applications hosted on AWS, your firm can greatly benefit from the expertise and support of a service provider. Working with an AWS Managed Services Partner can deliver immediate and long-term performance and financial benefits that you in-house simply cannot provide. Here are some of the crucial ways in which a Managed Service Provider such as Mission can help.
1: AWS Consulting Services Identify Needs and Determine Architecture.
A proficient provider begins your AWS performance improvement by defining and executing a cloud technology plan. This is done through a Well-Architected Review to ensure your applications are architected using best practices from AWS’ Well-Architected Framework. They’ll identify the appropriate services, tools, and processes needed to harness the full potential of your AWS cloud. Next, they’ll design and implement the architecture tailored to your needs. Every company has different goals and objectives, so a strategic partner will learn about your enterprise before making any recommendations. For example, Mission worked closely with VBO Tickets to understand the company’s needs before recommending the best AWS services to meet them.
VBO Tickets is an event ticketing software company that’s grown steadily every year. In fact, they were growing so quickly their infrastructure didn’t have the load-balancing capabilities needed to accommodate their online traffic spikes. However, they didn’t know how to redesign their architecture to meet their changing needs. Mission re-architected VBO Tickets’s AWS environment, planned their database migration, wrote scripts to deploy applications, and implemented new tools that streamlined developer collaboration. Now, they have an efficient AWS cloud hosting environment that automatically scales to meet changing site traffic.
2: Managed Services Let You Focus on Your Business, Not on Interruptions.
The right managed services partner can monitor, manage, and maintain your entire infrastructure. This means 24/7 performance monitoring every day of the year, as well as fast remediation and response to incidents. It includes management of the entire AWS environment, including account configuration, infrastructure automation and deployment, automated backups, and road mapping. And all maintenance, including updates and patches, will be handled for you by a certified engineering team. No one can deliver your products and services as well as your firm. That’s why you should allow an AWS partner to take over the management of your AWS cloud environment—so you can focus on the customers who rely on you.
Peregrine Energy Group offers consulting to organizations that must optimize their energy use by providing energy data analysis reports delivered with AWS applications and a database hosted by a third party. Their internal Systems Administrator was leaving their company, and Peregrine needed a new way to manage their two cloud environments. They engaged Mission, who provided flexible Managed DevOps for both their AWS and third-party hosted cloud environments. Now, Peregrine has the computing resources it needs for each server instance, has reliable cloud architecture performance, and receives cloud computing best practices from an expert—all without needing to hire an internal Systems Administrator.
3: Optimization Balances Performance with Spend.
The third major benefit of working with an AWS managed services partner is that they bring your need for high-performance computing into balance with your budget. You can get the services you need and only the services you need for an affordable price. This is because the right partner will transparently track your AWS cloud spend and employ cost-efficient services. And they’ll continually look for opportunities to deliver the right level of services without impacting developers, risking security, or degrading performance.
Mission gave Subatomic Studios all the AWS management services they need and helped them stay on budget, and can do the same for your firm. Subatomic Studios is an independent video game developer for handheld and mobile devices. They transitioned from selling stand-alone downloadable mobile games to delivering games through AWS. To do this, they needed an infrastructure that could automatically scale up or down to meet surging demand. Managing the new game delivery environment was exasperating for Subatomic’s developers, so they turned to Mission. Right away, Mission re-configured Subatomic’s AWS infrastructure to make it more scalable and to increase application throughput. Now, players get high-performing games, and Subatomic has reduced their AWS spend by over 40%.
Getting Started
No matter if you’re considering your first cloud implementation, or if your business demands that current infrastructure performs better at a lower cost, an AWS Managed Services Partner can help. If your infrastructure can no longer meet your requirements or support growth, meet with a solution architect to learn how they can optimize a high-performance, scalable environment, customized for you. Your IT infrastructure should do more than just meet your basic computing needs; it should facilitate your most ambitious business goals while optimizing costs and enabling you to redirect valuable resources toward key objectives.
Author Spotlight:
Jackie Berkman
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