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How to Do a Cloud Migration Assessment

Cloud Migration Assessment | Mission Cloud


Cloud migration is a critical step for businesses looking to modernize their IT infrastructure and operations. However, moving to the cloud without proper planning can lead to unexpected costs, performance issues, and security risks. A cloud migration assessment is the essential first step in ensuring a successful transition.

This guide will walk you through what a cloud migration assessment is, why it's crucial, and how to conduct one effectively.

What is a Cloud Migration Assessment?

A cloud migration assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an organization's IT infrastructure, applications, and processes. Its purpose is to determine the most effective approach for moving to the cloud. This assessment helps identify which workloads are suitable for migration, potential challenges, and the expected benefits of cloud adoption.

The assessment typically involves:

  • Analyzing existing infrastructure and applications
  • Identifying dependencies between systems
  • Evaluating security and compliance requirements
  • Estimating costs and potential ROI
  • Determining the most suitable cloud deployment model (public, private, or hybrid)

Benefits of a Cloud Migration Assessment

Conducting a thorough cloud migration assessment offers several key advantages:

  • Risk Mitigation: By identifying potential challenges upfront, you can develop strategies to address them before they become costly issues during migration.
  • Cost Optimization: An assessment helps in estimating the total cost of ownership (TCO) and identifying opportunities for cost savings in the cloud.
  • Improved Planning: It provides a clear roadmap for migration, helping to prioritize which applications and workloads should be moved first.
  • Performance Optimization: By understanding your current infrastructure's performance, you can design a cloud environment that meets or exceeds those standards.
  • Compliance Assurance: An assessment ensures that regulatory and compliance requirements are considered in the migration plan.

How to Conduct a Cloud Migration Assessment

Business Readiness & Buy-In

A critical component often overlooked in cloud migration assessments is evaluating the organization's readiness for change and securing stakeholder buy-in. This starts with identifying the key executive stakeholders who will champion the migration. Are they fully aligned on the goals, benefits, and potential challenges of moving to the cloud? Is your organization prepared for the changes cloud migration will bring?

Equally important is evaluating your current IT team's skillset. Cloud environments require specific expertise, and your assessment should identify gaps in knowledge or experience. This evaluation forms the foundation for a comprehensive training plan. By pinpointing areas where your team needs upskilling, you can ensure they're well-prepared to manage and optimize your new cloud environment.

Alignment with Business Goals & Objectives

While the technical benefits of cloud migration are often clear, it's vital to articulate how this move aligns with and supports your broader business objectives. Your assessment should dive deep into the primary business drivers behind the migration. Is it about increasing scalability to support rapid growth? Reducing costs to improve profitability? Or perhaps it's about fostering innovation to stay ahead of the competition?

Once you've identified these key drivers, map out how cloud migration will specifically support and accelerate each business goal. This exercise not only justifies the migration but also helps in setting clear, measurable objectives for the project. These objectives should tie directly to business outcomes, providing a concrete way to measure the success of your migration.

Discovery and Initial Planning

Begin by cataloging all your IT assets, including hardware infrastructure, software applications, data storage systems, and network configurations. This inventory will serve as the foundation for your assessment.

Application and Workload Analysis

Evaluate each application and workload to determine its cloud readiness, dependencies on other systems, performance requirements, and data sensitivity and compliance needs.

Define Migration Strategies

For each application or workload, determine the best migration strategy: Rehost (Lift and Shift), Replatform, Refactor/Re-architect, Replace, or Retain.

Cost Analysis

Estimate the costs associated with cloud infrastructure, data transfer, ongoing management and support, and potential cost savings from cloud optimization.

Security and Compliance Assessment

Evaluate your current security posture and identify any gaps that need to be addressed in the cloud environment. Ensure that your cloud migration plan aligns with relevant compliance standards.

Develop a Migration Roadmap

Based on your assessment findings, create a detailed plan that outlines migration priorities, timeline, resource requirements, and risk mitigation strategies.

Proof of Concept

Before full-scale migration, consider running a proof of concept with a non-critical workload to validate your assessment findings and migration approach.

Planning for Post-Migration Support

A common oversight in cloud migration assessments is failing to plan for the long-term support and management of the new cloud environment. Your assessment should look beyond the migration itself to consider how you'll maintain and optimize your cloud infrastructure going forward.

One key decision is whether to manage the cloud environment in-house, partner with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or adopt a hybrid approach. Each option has its merits, and the right choice depends on your organization's resources, expertise, and goals. If you choose to manage in-house, factor in the need for ongoing skill development. Cloud technologies evolve rapidly, and your team will need continuous training to keep pace.

Your assessment should also consider how your IT processes will need to adapt. Cloud environments often require different approaches to tasks like provisioning, monitoring, and troubleshooting. Identifying these changes early allows for smoother operations post-migration.

Don't forget to evaluate the tools and resources you'll need for effective cloud management. From monitoring solutions to cost optimization tools, having the right resources in place is crucial for long-term success.

Lastly, consider how you'll ensure ongoing compliance and governance in your new cloud environment. Regulatory requirements don't disappear in the cloud, and in some cases, they may become more complex. A robust framework for maintaining compliance and effective governance is essential for mitigating risks and maintaining trust with your stakeholders.

Let’s take a look at a case study that demonstrates how a thorough cloud migration assessment and ongoing optimization can lead to significant cost savings, improved efficiency, and opportunities for innovation.

Case Study: Employ, Inc.'s Cloud Migration and Optimization Journey

Employ, Inc., a leading provider of recruiting solutions, partnered with Mission to optimize their AWS infrastructure and migrate critical workloads. Here's an overview of their journey:

  • Assessment: Mission conducted a comprehensive evaluation of Employ's cloud infrastructure, identifying optimization opportunities and migration-ready workloads.
  • Migration Planning: Based on the assessment, Mission developed a detailed migration plan, including architecture designs and cost projections.
  • Key Migrations:
    • Moved Solr (EC2) to Amazon OpenSearch
    • Transitioned career site search from Google Cloud API to Amazon OpenSearch and Amazon Bedrock
  • Optimization:
    • Implemented Mission's Reserved Instance Operations (RIO) program
    • Conducted regular cost and infrastructure health reviews
  • Innovation: Developed an AI-powered interview question generator using Amazon Bedrock


  • 45% reduction in AWS spend over two years
  • Improved performance and scalability of key services
  • Successful implementation of AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP)
  • Creation of innovative AI tools to enhance product offerings

This case study demonstrates how a thorough cloud migration assessment, followed by strategic migration and optimization, can lead to significant cost savings, improved efficiency, and new opportunities for innovation.

Mission's AWS Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA)

For organizations looking to embark on their cloud migration journey, Mission offers a comprehensive AWS Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA). This service helps businesses:

  • Evaluate their current infrastructure and applications
  • Identify potential challenges and opportunities in cloud migration
  • Develop a tailored migration strategy
  • Optimize costs and performance in the cloud environment

By leveraging Mission's expertise, businesses can ensure a smooth, efficient, and cost-effective transition to the AWS cloud.

Ready to start your cloud migration journey? Get started with our free AWS Migration Readiness Assessment (MRA) and take the first step towards an optimized cloud future.

Author Spotlight:

Olivia Martinez

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