Clarity in the Cloud
Hi, I’m Alex, Director of Product at Mission and part of the team responsible for Mission Control. If you haven’t heard yet, Mission Control is our newest product, a first-of-its-kind cloud services platform, integrating functionality from cloud management platforms, work management platforms, and managed service providers.
Today, I want to talk about the principle of clarity in Mission Control and explain its importance.
What is Clarity?
Clarity is understanding critical data about your cloud environment, contextualizing it to your business, and being able to act on it.
Organizations of all sizes have experienced that moment when their cloud bill was higher than expected. Today, thanks to better cloud management tools, that “uh oh” moment has become less commonplace. Now the focus is on interpreting, prioritizing, and effectively incorporating all the data and recommendations while improving the collaboration between different business units that need to act on these findings.
Cloud management platforms (CMPs) can sift this data for you, but it takes time to review their findings, choose the right recommendations for your business goals, plan improvements, and implement the changes. Therefore, CMPs are principally about visibility, the ability to see one's cloud infrastructure and usage. Clarity, then, is the ability to understand and, from that understanding, to act and create business outcomes.
Clarity Leads to Better Outcomes
It’s one thing to be presented with all this data—it’s another to understand what it means and how to act on it.
We built Mission Control for this reason. Increased business agility, operational resilience, and innovation—all of these require visibility into cloud usage. But without context, how does a business know which decisions are prudent? What looks optimal in the short term may actually end up hampering other initiatives down the road.
A common example we encounter is when customers buy AWS Savings Plans. Sometimes opportunistic purchases will contradict efforts to optimize usage because the plans effectively act as a minimum commitment. Paradoxically, this can incentivize ignoring efficiency opportunities and spending more to meet usage commitments.
How do you avoid scenarios like this one and make prudent decisions? By informing your decisions with expertise and the context of your business objectives.
With Mission Control, context is core. Instead of just data visualized, Mission Control provides the people, processes, and tools needed to help organizations understand every data point and insight. Instead of blanket recommendations, you get conversations with nuance like, “What are the cost-performance tradeoffs, and can they be mitigated?”
While this can look similar to a CMP on the surface, the conversations and collaboration you get with Mission’s AWS-certified expertise make all the difference. Because for every insight, alert, or data point we visualize, you’ll have access to an expert to help you understand what it means, why it matters, and how to act on it.
Check It Out Today
With Mission Control, we want to improve how companies make decisions about their cloud environments and give those decisions the confidence that comes from relying on our deep expertise. Learn how to make better cloud decisions—sign up for a demo today!
Author Spotlight:
Alex Beal
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