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Artificial General Intelligence + House of the Dragon

Artificial General Intelligence + House of the Dragon


Dr. Ryan Ries here, back in your inbox.

This week, we're diving deep into the world of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

With recent reports about OpenAI's progress and some alarming safety concerns, it's time we had a nuanced discussion about what AGI really means, the potential risks, should we be concerned, and how we should approach this transformative technology.

First, what is AGI?

AGI refers to AI that can understand, learn, and apply its intelligence to any task, much like a human can. It's the holy grail of AI research, promising breakthroughs in problem-solving and innovation.

OpenAI recently shared their vision of AGI, breaking it down into five levels:

  • Chatbots: AI with conversational language (we're here now)
  • Reasoners: Human-level problem-solving (reportedly on the cusp)
  • Agents: Systems that can take actions
  • Innovators: AI that can aid in invention
  • Organizations: AI that can do the work of an entire organization

AGI’s Promise and Peril

Now… here's where things get complicated.

While the potential benefits of AGI are enormous, recent reports have raised serious concerns about safety practices around it.

Recent articles in the news highlighted claims from OpenAI employees about rushed safety tests and prioritizing product launches over thorough safety protocols (never a good idea).

This follows other reports of internal dissent and calls for better safety and transparency practices.

These concerns speak to the very real risks associated with developing such powerful technology without adequate safeguards.

Should We Be Worried?

Now, here's where I might ruffle some feathers — in my opinion, we shouldn't be losing sleep over AGI, at least not right now. However, we should remain vigilant and proactive.

Here's why:

  • We're Still Far Off: Despite the hype, we're still a long way from true AGI. Even OpenAI admits we're only at level 1 of their 5-level scale.
  • It's All About Application: The real concern isn't the technology itself but how people choose to use it. Just like any powerful tool, AGI could be used for great good or potential harm.
  • Hype vs. Reality: Remember, tech companies have a vested interest in generating excitement (and investment) around their research. Take grandiose claims with a grain of salt.
  • Human Ingenuity Still Reigns: As impressive as AI is becoming, it still lacks the creative spark, emotional intelligence, and adaptability that makes human cognition truly special.

The Way Forward

Instead of worrying about far-future scenarios, we need to focus on the ethical development and responsible use of AI technologies we have today.

This means:

  • Demanding Transparency: Companies developing AGI should be open about their safety protocols and potential risks.
  • Prioritizing Safety: Safety considerations should be baked into the development process from the start, not treated as an afterthought.
  • Diverse Perspectives: We need a wide range of voices — ethicists, policymakers, and the general public — involved in shaping the future of AGI.
  • Regulatory Framework: While innovation shouldn't be stifled, sensible regulations are needed to ensure that AGI development prioritizes societal benefit over corporate interests.

My Perspective

I'm still excited about AGI's potential to solve complex problems and drive innovation.

But I'm also acutely aware of the risks and the need for responsible development.

The journey from today's AI to true AGI is long and filled with ethical and technical challenges.

It's crucial that we navigate forward with caution, transparency, and a commitment to the greater good.

Let me know what you think about AGI. I’m always interested to hear how people are feeling as technologies move faster than you can say Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.

And, as always, if you’re interested in chatting with my team about bringing your AI use case to life, we’re here for you.

Until next time,


Now, without further ado, here is this week’s AI-generated image and the prompt I used to get it.


"Generate an image of a muppet in an episode of House of the Dragon. In this episode, the muppets are battling for control of the Iron Throne. There should be a dragon swooping in."

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Ryan Ries

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