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Amazon Q Developer: The Future of Builders

Amazon Q Developer | Mission Cloud


It's 3 AM, and you're knee-deep in legacy code, desperately trying to modernize a critical application before the looming deadline. Sounds familiar? Now imagine having a tireless, all-knowing coding partner by your side, one that understands your codebase, suggests optimizations, and even handles those mundane refactoring tasks you've been putting off. 

This is the reality that Amazon Q Developer is bringing to software development teams worldwide.

Mission Cloud and AWS are kicking off a series exploring the transformative power of generative AI and Amazon Q on the future of business. We're starting where the rubber meets the road: with the developers.

What does this new AI-powered landscape mean for the folks who build our digital world? How can it make their jobs not just easier but exponentially more efficient and creative? Let's dive in and see how Amazon Q Developer is re-imagining the roles of developers.

A Comprehensive AI Assistant Beyond Just Code Completion

When you think of AI for developers, your mind might immediately jump to code completion tools. While these are undoubtedly useful, they only scratch the surface of what's possible. Amazon Q Developer is a suite of tools that works across the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). It represents a significant leap forward, offering a more holistic approach to AI-assisted development.

Trained on over 17 years of Amazon's own code, documentation, and training materials, Q Developer is not just a coding assistant—it's a knowledgeable partner that understands the intricacies of building on the AWS platform. This deep integration allows it to provide context-aware suggestions that align with best practices and leverage the full power of AWS services.

Addressing Every Phase of the SDLC

To truly maximize the impact of AI in software development, tools must encompass the entire SDLC. Amazon Q Developer does exactly that:

Planning and Analysis

Q Developer can summarize large amounts of information, identify patterns, and assist in brainstorming sessions. It can help identify risks, advise on architecture best practices, and guide AWS service selection.

Requirements and Scoping

By generating in-depth requirements, use cases, and specifications from minimal input, Q Developer accelerates the initial stages of project planning. This aligns perfectly with agile methodologies, allowing for quick iterations as new information emerges.


Leveraging its extensive knowledge of AWS best practices, Q Developer can assist in making architectural decisions that balance constraints like cost, performance, and redundancy.


Here, Q Developer shines brightest. It can generate inline code suggestions, create entirely new features that match your codebase's idioms and patterns, and even explain existing code to help onboard new team members.


Writing comprehensive tests is often a developer's least favorite task. Q Developer never shies away from this crucial but tedious work, helping to improve test coverage and efficacy.

Operations and Maintenance

From troubleshooting production issues to optimizing existing workloads, Q Developer is an invaluable ally in keeping your software running smoothly.

Quantifiable Impact: Transforming Development at Scale

The real-world impact of Amazon Q Developer is not just theoretical—it's quantifiable and substantial. In a blog from AWS, Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon, shared findings that underscore the transformative power of the Amazon Q Developer agent for code transformation:

  • Amazon has successfully migrated tens of thousands of production applications from Java 8 or 11 to Java 17 with assistance from Amazon Q Developer.
  • This migration represents a staggering savings of over 4,500 years of development work for more than a thousand developers when compared to manual upgrades.
  • The performance improvements resulting from these upgrades are estimated to yield $260 million in annual cost savings.

This level of impact goes far beyond simple code completion or suggestion. It represents a fundamental shift in how we approach software development and maintenance, enabling organizations to stay current with the latest technologies and performance optimizations without the traditional trade-offs of time, risk, and resource allocation.

Real-World Impact: Modernizing Legacy Code

One of the most impressive features of Amazon Q Developer is its ability to modernize legacy codebases. The agent for code transformation can automate the process of upgrading and transforming Java applications, with support for .NET coming soon.

In an internal Amazon study, Q Developer demonstrated its capability to upgrade production applications from Java 8 to Java 17. On average, it took just 15 minutes per application to complete this transformation. This level of efficiency is game-changing for organizations dealing with large, outdated codebases.

A CTO's Perspective: The Python 2 to 3 Transition

To truly appreciate the value of Q Developer, let's consider a real scenario shared by Jonathan LaCour, Mission Cloud’s CTO:

"I personally oversaw a Python 2.x to Python 3.x transition for a large codebase in a highly regulated healthcare environment. It was a monumental task — not only were we moving from Python 2 to 3, but we also had to upgrade two out-of-support frameworks (web and database) and adopt new libraries to replace abandoned dependencies.

The process was tedious and only partially automatable with the tools we had at the time. We had to ensure that every change maintained our strict security and compliance standards, and because the system was mission-critical for patient care, we couldn't afford any drop in quality.

Looking back, I would have been thrilled to have something like Q Developer at our disposal. It could have automated much of the tedious work across our entire codebase, significantly reducing the time and risk involved in such a major transition."

This experience highlights the real-world challenges that Q Developer is designed to address. While the current focus is on Java, with .NET support coming soon, the potential for this technology to assist with other languages like Python is exciting for developers and technology leaders alike.

Skepticism and Adoption: Embracing the AI Revolution

As with any transformative technology, there's bound to be some skepticism, especially among seasoned developers. Many have seen their fair share of code-generation tools come and go. None of us want AI to take our jobs.

However, history shows us that embracing technological shifts is crucial for staying relevant and productive in our field. 

Lessons from Past Technological Shifts

The Public Cloud Revolution

Remember the introduction of public cloud computing? It wasn't just a new way to provision servers; it fundamentally changed how we approach infrastructure. Concepts like Infrastructure as Code (IaC), DevOps, and configuration management were foreign to many operations teams. Developers who had traditionally left deployment to other teams suddenly found themselves responsible for the entire application lifecycle.

Those who adapted to this new paradigm didn't just survive — they thrived. Developers and operators who embraced the cloud became more productive, more marketable, and more future-proof.

The Virtual Networking Transformation

A similar shift occurred in the networking world. With the advent of virtual networking, white box switches, and API-driven networks, traditional networking engineers faced a choice: adapt or get left behind. Those holding CCNA certifications who embraced this change often found themselves evolving into cloud architects, significantly enhancing their career prospects and productivity.

Embracing the Future with Generative AI

Now, we stand at the cusp of another tectonic shift in how we build, test, and deploy workloads. Generative AI tools like Amazon Q Developer aren't here to replace developers — they're here to augment and enhance our capabilities.

Developers who continuously evaluate, learn, and adopt these new GenAI tools will separate themselves from the pack. They'll be able to deliver more, deliver better, and deliver faster. Just as cloud-savvy developers became indispensable in the last decade, AI-savvy developers will be the most valuable team members in the coming years.

AWS is focused on streamlining the software development process, removing heavy lifting and letting individual software developers move on to more gnarly problems. This is the beginning of next-generation DevOps.

Looking Ahead

We are just beginning to scratch the surface of what's possible with generative AI in software development. As these tools evolve, they will become an integral part of every aspect of the SDLC. Developers who continuously evaluate, learn, and adopt these new tools will set themselves apart by delivering more, better, and faster.

In the coming articles in this series, we'll cover:

  • Exploring Productivity — How should we think about ‘productivity’ in the future? For developers, how can we define, measure, and track it?
  • Redefining “Builders” — How will GenAI impact other aspects of business and specific verticals? Who are “builders” in a world where GenAI democratizes solution development? Why will GenAI fundamentally change the way we work?

So, to all developers out there, especially the seasoned ones: your experience is invaluable. Combine it with the power of AI, and there's no limit to what you can achieve. The future of software development is here, and it's more exciting than ever.

Have questions about Amazon Q? Interested in talking through your Q use case with AWS experts? Access our free, 60-minute consultation offer to explore what Amazon Q implementation could look like for your company and available funding options.

Author Spotlight:

Jonathan LaCour

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